Database Administration

    Database Administration (DBA) services as a means to reduce IT expenses is the order of the day. Remote rendering of DBA services results in improved system preformance, enabling high efficiency and lower cost of operation. We help our clients benefit by deploying a team of remote DBA experts at a fraction of the cost of hiring full time equivelents with comparable experience locally.

    We will help you determine the best administrative strategies, hedge risks and exposure to disruptive downtime and make sure your databases operates at peak efficiency, regardless of the user load.

    We have information resources, analytical tools and most imprtant, certified database experts who can help you understand and evaluate the full range of database administration options so thet you can build a strong database administration and techlology strategy.

    Database Migration

    Migrating from one database platform can be difficult and time consuming due to differences in standards between vendors. We offer a comprehensive database migration methodology where we work with you to move your database from one platform to another. First step is us to analyze the database architectures, plan the necessaty migration routines, performing the migration on your existing data and verify that is was successfully compledet.

    Our database consultants work closely with your internal project team to create a cost-effective and accelerated migradion plan. We share the potential risk and the associated mitigate plan, minimize the cost of migration and rapidly port the databas, alowing for reduction in system downtime during the transition.

    DIYOMI SOFT provides recommendations for making your migration as seamless as possible and proven techniques for optimizing your system resources. This together with the best practices than enable you to maintain your system’s performance after the migration is complete.